daw.com - January 10

Dear Parents,

Each week there are students in charge of a current event. I have sent home a reminder with these students but I will also list them here.

Monday - day 2, no current events
Tuesday - Tara
Wednesday - Jonas
Thursday - Zehra
Friday - Trey

Here are some student friendly sites for Current Events.

Good News Daily
Science News for Kids
Time for Kids

I would like to inform all of you that I have accepted a High School Technology position for next year at International School Beijing. This was where I really wanted to go and I am pleased that it has worked out for me. After 7 years I will miss HKIS and Hong Kong but I was ready for a new adventure and this was the perfect opportunity.

This week we lose a member of our class as Jennifer is moving back to Korea. Friday will be her last day and we are busy preparing a class memento to say goodbye. We all wish her good luck at her new school and a safe journey home.

We spent a lot of time in the past week researching two projects - Non-Fiction Project and the Pollution Project. The essays are complete for the pollution project and I have already conferences with about half the students for their Non-Fiction project. This week students will complete the project phase and also prepare for the presentations which will take place over the next several weeks. It has been an interesting process so far and I am excited to see what the projects will bring.

In preparation for our Civil War unit I will be sending home a BARE BOOK on Monday that students need to tea stain to make it look more realistic. The instructions for this will be attached to the email I send home. They should be fairly self-explanatory.

I forgot to send home the Unit 6 math family letter last week so I will do so with the email that also has the instructions for the tea staining. I have also posted some neat on-line resources to help students with this unit if they need it. These can be found here. I do expect to complete unit 6 this week with the final assessment later in the week.

There will be a lot more computer work for the Civil War unit which starts next week. Students will have much more need of a computer for homework throughout this unit than they have had in the past. If you could help with this it would be greatly appreciated.

A reminder that Friday is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 11:20 with buses leaving at 11:30.

Tuesday is the third Math Olympiad test so those students on the MO team should be prepared. Mrs. Ryan will work with them on Monday preparing them for the test.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Harold Daw