Sports day was a major success. It was interrupted by an evacuation drill but once we debriefed about this, I think the students understood just how important these are. We could not have asked for better weather or air quality for the day - it was picture perfect. I know the students all really enjoyed it.
We are on to our new writing unit having looked at settings, characters and something called the Hero’s Journey. This is a part that a lot of fantasy stories follow. I have asked the students to have up to 3 of
the 12 points in their story as they plan for the journey of the hero. We should finish our first drafts by the end of next week leaving us time to complete a second fantasy story.
Next week is our Step Up Day. This is a day where the grade 5 students shadow a grade 6 student as they go through their day. Students will be paired up with some grade 6 buddies who will then proceed to show them what life in middle school is like. One thing they will get a chance to have is MS lunch in the cafeteria. If your student purchases lunch at the school you might want to have a conversation with them about what is an appropriate amount to spend.
There is a lot to choose from and it can easily get out of hand with no one really looking over them. They will have the same opportunity next year, so starting now can ease your student into this.
Next Thursday is the school book fair so if your student wants to purchase a book or two for the summer, this might be the time. While I have no idea of the cost of books, they will be able to bring in some money to purchase books if they want to. There is no requirement to do so.
Our current math unit is looking at how to calculate area with fractional sides. We have passed the whole numbers and with fractions they are having to use the multiplication of fractions they learned in the last unit. We are using the area model to prove area which may be something you want to ask them about. It
is a neat way to show area when fractions are used.
I have seen most of the students genius hour project presentations now and I cannot say that I was overly impressed. Many of them have just a basic guideline so we will spend some time practicing them. I am encouraged by the fantastic information they have to share. I think that with this practice, I will really see some beautiful pieces of work.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I will set up a time for us to meet.