daw.com - March 14

Dear Parents,

Each week there are students in charge of a current event. I have sent home a reminder with these students but I will also list them here.

Monday - Alex
Tuesday - Christoffer
Wednesday - day2, no current events
Thursday - no school
Friday - no school

Here are some student friendly sites for Current Events.

Good News Daily
Science News for Kids
Time for Kids

Our first trip to the Middle School to start the transition period will be this Tuesday. It is to listen to the choices that students have for music and languages. Middle school is the first time that students have choices for their education so it is important that they have a chance to listen to the choices they have. Students can then talk it over with their parents before a final decision is made. The choices for music are Band, Strings, Chorus & Bach to Rock while the choices for languages are Chinese, French and Spanish. One important change is that all music classes are part of the regular day and not after school as they are here in the UP. Students need to take a music and language class each year in Middle School. Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Students will also have their first chance to have lunch at the Middle School with the grade 6 classes. All students on the school lunch program will continue while students who pay or use their Octopus card can do so. Students who bring their lunch will do so for this day and eat as usual. One thing that is quite different in Middle School is lunch organization. It is about the same length of time but students are not organized for an eating or playing time. The entire lunch time is up to the students.On Thursday and Friday you will have a marvelous opportunity to participate in a conference led by your child. These student-led conferences reflect the HKIS Student Learning Result of “Self-Motivated Learning.” Your child will have an opportunity to be an active participant in reviewing and reflecting his/her own learning. Accountability and responsibility are built into the reflecting process. Self-respect and self-esteem are enhanced, as students are asked to focus on strengths and give their own perspective on areas they are trying to improve. I have structured the conference, making it possible for your child to assume leadership during the one-hour conference. This conference is not meant to be a progress report, but an opportunity for your child to share with you the successes and challenges of his/her learning.

Here is what you can expect at your child’s student-led conference:
  • Your child will be in charge of the conference. He/She will have planned specific areas to share, and will have rehearsed them. Please allow your child the opportunity to share their plan.
  • You will see a demonstration of skills, and learn a little more about the class and your child’s part in it.
  • Several children will be conducting conferences in the classroom at the same time.
  • Your child may be unsure of your reactions to his/her presentation. Please provide encouragement and feedback as your child proceeds with the conference. Ask questions to clarify, but please try not to control or direct the conference.
  • Above all, expect your child to share his/her strengths, successes, best work, and most comfortable areas.
  • Plan to have fun---this is a day for celebration!
We also start our next unit in math on Coordinates, Area, volume and Capacity. The family letter is attached to the email that was sent announcing this letter. The final assessment and all exit slips from our last unit will be in the Monday Folders.

I will require a quick turn around for Monday folders this week as it is only a three day week. Please return them on either Tuesday or Wednesday so I can have them ready for the following week.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Harold Daw