Dear Parents,
Each week there are students in charge of a current event. I have sent home a reminder with these students but I will also list them here.
Monday - Tara
Tuesday - Sabrina
Wednesday - Zehra
Thursday - Trey
Friday - Simon
Here are some student friendly sites for Current Events.
Good News Daily
Science News for Kids
Time for Kids
I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Chinese New Year holiday. It was a bit cold here in Hong Kong but there was lots to do and lots of spirit in the people. The weather hardly registered as we all went about some great CNY celebrations.
I will be away from Tuesday until Friday this week as I attend a technology conference in Mumbai, India. There is a sub me during this time. I will be looking at a school that not only went one to one computers but opted for tablet computers. These are the computers with a touch screen for all sorts of interesting studies. I own one and will share it with the students upon my return so they can see what it can do.
This week students will continue with our look at the Civil War and finish up the year 1862. There are some interesting events with the people we have been watching and studying in this time era and these will be looked at in detail. Students will continue to write in their journal/portfolios as well as put in the first maps and diagrams.
In math this week we continue with Unit 8 which is Fractions and Ratios. We will look at adding and subtracting mixed numbers and also ordering fractions. Also, a start to multiplyiong fractions with an area model which is kind of neat. It really explains why multiplying fractions comes out with a smaller number.
Homework will resume as normal this week so please help in getting your child back into this routine. Monday folders will also come home with our last week of school work in them and the assessment for their non-fiction presentation. Students did very well on this and I was quite pleased.
Not too much happening in the special events area this week. Pictures are from our last week of school before the Chinese New Year holiday.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Harold Daw