Dear Parents,
Each week there are students in charge of a current event. I have sent home a reminder with these students but I will also list them here.
Monday - Lucas
Tuesday - Jennifer
Wednesday - Michael
Thursday - Tara
Friday - Jonas
Here are some student friendly sites for Current Events.
Good News Daily
Science News for Kids
Time for Kids
We had a great time at Sports Day on Friday and I am proud to announce that 5C1 finished second in the grade. Everyone also seemed to really enjoy the afternoon and 'fun' seemed to be the opportune word. Our thanks go to the PE department. Here is a picture of the 5C1 Red Army Ants. Thanks go to Mrs. Park for the photo. I have scattered some of mine throughout this letter. There is also a video later in the post.We have a field day this Wednesday from 9:30 - 11:00 in Aberdeen. These are different from Sports Day in that the students have to organize the activities themselves. There will be lots of equipment for them to choose from. Students do not get a lot of opportunity for this so they are already excited about going.
Our math unit on Division will wrap up this week with the final assessment later in the week. Students seem to be doing well with this. We have covered two algorithms for math and this week we will look at what to do with remainders and some problem solving with division.
Our pollution unit is well underway now and we have started the first of 9 experiments. There are two more on the way this week and we will wrap up our first on when students bring back their particle detectors on Tuesday. You can look for students additional section on their Google Sites this week for the pollution unit. Should be some interesting insights there. If you have troubles getting to the sites here is a listing of the links. Your students names are in initials only.
By now students should be well underway with their pollution reading assignment. It is four books from the general collection and one specific to the section of Pollution they wish to make a poster on. I have outlined the specifics of their poster in their homework packet this week and will do the same next week. We have also discussed it in class. Remember, this is not in addition to their nightly reading but rather to take the place of. Students should be keeping track of their reading time and books on their reading log which is part of their homework packet every week.
Students will need some time on the computers at home this week as part of their homework is to complete their second reading journal blog. By now I expect that all students are familiar with this kind of operation, however, if questions arise please email me. The first blog entries were quite well done. The instructions for the blog and a scaffold of what to put in the blog entry are in their Google Docs. They have two nights this coming week to complete this. Students may not use the pollution books as their blogs - it must be the fiction books they have been reading since that is what we have been studying.
Students also need to complete the Unit 4 Vocabulary presentation on Google Docs. This is a file I have shared with all my class. They are to define the words, use pictures, find movies that explain the topic or what ever. All they need to do is leave their name as one of the collaborators of the project. They have two nights to complete this as well. When it is completed, I will post it on our class website which is located here.
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Harold Daw