The next pieces of writing follow on the heels of the essay unit but this time it us persuasive essays. We will start off with one on Chocolate Milk served at lunch in school cafeterias. There is plenty of opinions and research on this for students to really develop a great argument. We will stick with the 5 paragraph structure for the time being as they are familiar with it so that will need only review rather than teaching. I can then focus on gathering evidence and making an argument. Eventually this will lead to a final debate in the class. Please note that I use the word debate very cautiously as it will be a very structured semi-debate.
Our unit on economics started to look at the globalization of economics. We took a look at 12 infographics that got the students really thinking about what it means to be a part of a global economy. Next week they will develop a presentation based on fact sheets specific to categories associated with the globalization of economics.
Out math until changed pace this week to the development of rules. These rules are based on straight lines and look at the relationship of the x-coordinate to the y-coordinate. This is the first time we have used an algebraic expression to graph a line. For the time being we will be sticking with straight lines. Although I am not surprised, there is some vocabulary in this unit that is giving some students difficulty. I will continue to review this with the class in our daily lessons.
As we head to the final weeks of the year there are some things that are now set in stone. On June 7,8,11 and 12 grade 5 students will be eating lunch in the MS/HS cafeteria. This means a lot more freedom in choice for meals. It also means you might need to talk to your student about limits in spending as it is no longer a set meal price but rather a price for each part (main dish, drink and dessert). Of course, if students are still bring a lunch from home, this is not a problem. Microwaves and hot water are available for students.
On June 13th, the grade 5 team will have their annual barbecue so students will not need a lunch. There will be burgers, fries, veggies, fruits and a drink for all the grade 5 students. Any student not wishing to participate is invited to bring a lunch from home. Eating in the cafeteria is not an option as there are supervision issues with this. This is a student only event.
On June 14th, there will be a whole school assembly first thing in the morning to say goodbye to those students leaving and also to all the grade 5's as they move on to middle school. It is usually quite a nice event. This day is a half day and students are dismissed for summer break at 11:30 am.
If there is anything you need to talk to me about, please let me know and I will gladly set up a time we can meet.